Sunday, September 4, 2022

The "Dark Brandon" Speech Thursday Has Shifted The Seas -- Put MAGA... On The Defensive.

Look, when Tangerine spends his precious rally "adulate me" time, countering the themes eloquently expressed in Mr. Biden's speech at Freedom Hall, in Philadelphia. . . you know. . . he's been rattled, to his core.

Of course, the looming certainty of a multi-count felony indictment's unsealing(s), one which will likely send him away for what (for him) will be natural life. . . could ALSO be a contributing factor. I dunno.

No doubt: the GOP is no longer favored to gain control of. . . any national chamber, at the mid-terms. And it may lose more than a few governor seats, in purple-ish states.

Maybe... even Texas, after the lunacy from Abbott last night.

. . .Can dish it, but canna' take it. . . .

How very. . . droll. Smiling into a lightly-rainy Sunday evening, here and there. . . .



Anonymous said...

ok...I sort of get the idea of not paying for birth control...since they want to promote life...but, this: ?????. Amazing, we want to restrict people from life saving medicine? Really?!!!

I know this judge is the go-to judge for the Republicans but, seriously, life saving and disease reducing medicines?

C'mon man~!

condor said...



I think for these "X-ians" -- the cruelty IS the point.

And. . . I must say, as a factual matter, it is still possible (if unlikely) to get HIV from a tainted blood transfusion, during surgery or childbirth. . . no real need for any of the "ungodly" behaviors that they (supposedly) seek to avoid.

I thus MUST conclude -- they simply believe that they -- and they alone -- are allowed to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. [Goddesses forbid that one of them gets a dirty needle stick, in a lab somewhere. . . . then they'd change their tunes. . . immediately.]

As to this malevolent USDC Judge. . . just. . . damn.

It will be reversed on appeal, if not sooner vacated. The briefs due this Friday should mention that the ACA is federal law, and there is no STATE statutory law or State Constitutional provision that allows a judge to deny the benefit of FEDERAL law to any citizen, in any of the several states of the United States. Supremacy Clause -- dead ahead. [Will Texas re-instate slavery next?]

As to practical answers, if these "holy people" -- Braiwood's 70 or so employees don't like the ACA, they may create their OWN self-insured pool, and run it the way they please.

But that would cost the tiny company millions (as being a feckless a-hole is. . . EXPENSIVE!), and even then -- the company STILL could not refuse to hire "godless" people, on the basis that they are not "X-ian" enough (unless Braiwood is a private club or church of some sort, but it certainly doesn't seem to be).

So -- overall -- what a. . . steaming pile of dung!

Thanks, I hadn't seen this. Now I am sorta' sad. . . that I did. J/K. . . .

Namaste. . . .