Wednesday, August 31, 2022

[U] Team Tangerine Will Apparently Appear At "Kangaroo" Judge Cannon's Hearing Tomorrow -- Unarmed, In A Battle Of Wits...

UPDATED -- do go read this flawless piece of satire, that deftly conveys all the missing gravitas. . . in the Orange Team's filing. *Chef's kiss*! [End, update.]

Later this evening, Tangerine's team filed a turgid 19 page response to the government's filing of late last night -- in anticipation of tomorrow's likely three ring circus of a "special master" consideration hearing in the federal district court, in Miami.

Fascinatingly, most of Trump's surrogates have been claiming for days (weeks, even) that Baby-T "magically" de-classified all the documents he held at Mar-A-Lago. Even Trump's son has said this. But now in about its fourth substantive filing on the matter, it still has not said a word about "declassification".

Of course, if he had in fact "declassified" these documents (not that that alone would end the inquiry), each of those depicted at right would have had the obvious protective red and white cover sheets, removed, and the underlying pages stamped "declassified".

But even such a thorough move, had it occurred (it hasn't). . . would not remove the taint of "national defense information" -- as to which it is an independent felony, simply to possess, without clearance, and outside of a secure facility. See, 18 USC § 793(e), under the Espionage Act.

But the Tangerine Team is silent on all of that, because it leads, inexorably to what is a life sentence for Trump, if uttered in a court of law.

You see -- he cannot say "DE-classified" without admitting that some were. . . classified.

And he well-knows some of those. . . are "national defense" items, over which he has exactly zero power to change status on (even whilst living at 1600 Penn., if acting alone).

So, all of his filings are far more damning (on this aspect) as to his exposures, in their silence, than in anything they actually assert.

And so, tomorrow afternoon, the able US Attorneys will walk into what is clearly a battle of wits (albeit in a likely Kangaroo court), against wholly-unarmed. . . opponents. Trump will be indicted. Out.



Anonymous said... 10,000 government records~~!!! Lock him up, lock him up...

on a better note: peace and enjoy the weekend with the little people

condor said...

Yes. While it may be that all the "loose" classified documents. . . all came from the 70 or so. . . empty folders. . . it is equally possible. . . that the empty folders represent. . . lost, or worse. . . SOLD and STOLEN US national defense secrets.

D A M N A T I O N.

I keep saying this -- but it just keeps getting worse (for what our nation may have been abused for, in his ham-handed grasps for. . . filthy lucre).

And -- on the happy side -- you too! Do get out and enjoy what may be the last days of truly glorious weather!

Namaste. . . .