Monday, September 5, 2022

Y A W N. Judge Cannon's Not Gonna' Matter. Much...

As we've long said, this all is based on some pretty clear mis-interpretations of well settled Supreme Court law ever since Nixon was decided.

But as expected, Aileen Cannon, as a Tangerine appointee, has now definitively let this "crazy quilt" of a supposed civil "equitable" action in the court house doors. In the end, it won't matter.

Afterall, at equity, "one's hands must be clean", to invoke the court's discretionary (judge made, non statutory) powers -- one must have acted with honesty in fact, and in good faith. Tangerine's hands here. . . clearly are not, now that we know of months of obstruction, and lies about whether all the top secret national defense documents had been returned. . . and the photos of top secret documents hidden in closets, and personal office desk drawers -- with Roger Stone's pardon (and some supposed dirt on Macron).

Even so, were I sitting in Merrick Garland's seat, I might not bother to appeal her ruling. I might just move forward, with all the other, voluntary evidence, from the June 3, 2022 meeting. Just cut. to. the. chase. There's an orgy of. . . evidence of crimes.

To be clear, these would all be jailable offenses, were it not a former occupant of 1600 Penn. we were talking about.

And in the end, Tangerine will see just that outcome -- an indictment (likely using only the documents VOLUNTARILY turned over in June). Still multiple felonies -- a potential life sentence, for him -- and we the people get our top secret documents back. Game over.



Anonymous said...

"and we the people get our top secret documents back."

I'm not so sanguine about this.

Who knows where else other documents may be. Or who has been given, taken, or copied documents.

condor said...

I do hear you my friend. . .

And you may well be correct.

I think his best case is that he gets a short delay -- the most likely outcome is he still goes to jail, perhaps on a slightly smaller bolus of evidence.

And if he's sold or bartered any of it (to any malign actor), we are never getting any of it back. No matter what.

The only slightly good news there would be that. . . at this point -- all the intel is over two years stale (though he may have sold some over a year ago).

He has certainly put humans in danger with this -- no matter how you slice it.

We will have to wait and see -- as we really have no other (lawful) option.

Namaste. . . .