Saturday, September 3, 2022

So, Now The Governor Of Texas -- By Edict, Says Who May -- And May Not Get Emergency Plan B Health Care?!?

I think even the hard-core GOOPers in Texas. . . are going to awaken now.

Here we have an aging, medically infirm, non medically-trained, non-licensed pure politician telling all the doctors in the state of Texas, and all the emergency workers. . . that HE ALONE will decide who gets prosecuted, for "allowing" a woman to take a Plan B pill in the case of forcible rape. [And he will prosecute the woman and the doctor, if she won't swear out a police report on her rapist -- even if it puts her at risk of death, by his hand.]

That is, Greg Abbott ALONE (as in Tsarist Russia of old) will decide what is. . . forcible "enough". . . to count as a rape?! Just forget. . . that whole idea of an independent judiciary in Texas.

Sweet Fancy Moses. This is pure insanity, on the hoof.

He alone will decide who will go to jail for allowing a Plan B dosing?!

Dammit people -- if that doesn't ring in as. . . insane. . . I don't know what to say to you all.

But I will say. . . the MAGA-GOP will fail -- in large numbers -- in national elections, in the mid-terms. . . if these are their espoused policies.



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