Tuesday, August 30, 2022

[U] In USDC Judge Aileen "Kangaroo" Cannon's Miami Courtroom (Where Unserved, But Orange, "Motions" Are Permitted, Apparently), The Government Has Properly Answered, UNDER SEAL.

Updated, late on Tuesday night -- a group of former GOP prosecutors has filed an amicus brief in this matter, and here is the money quote -- but do read it all:

. . .Indeed, to allow a former president to use a claim of executive privilege to undermine the work of a current president would undermine the very purpose of executive privilege: to ensure that the Executive Branch can effectively discharge its constitutional powers. U.S. v. Nixon, 418 U.S. 683, 711 (1974) (“[T]o the extent this interest relates to the effective discharge of a President’s powers, it is constitutionally based.”).

In this case, it is clear that the dispositive view of the sitting President is that the seized materials should be provided to the DOJ and the FBI, regardless of any claim of executive privilege by the former President. . . .

This is all very good sport, burying Trump, line by line. End, update.

Well, Merrick Garland's team is about a paragraph ahead of both "Cocoa Puffs" Cannon, and the Kumquat hued opponent, in this crazy kangaroo court proceeding (perhaps I. . . repeat myself).

The government noted yesterday that it would file answers, on time, and on target. It also made plain how sensitive candid answers might be.

So, this evening, true to its word, three filings were made in Case No. 22-cv-81294 (SD FL) -- under seal.

The former guy. . . is toast.

It almost won't matter what those filings say -- nor what Crazy Cannon's court decides to do with them on September 1, 2022 at her hastily scheduled hearing. As we've said, all the sister agencies already have the parts of the national defense documents that are not privileged, and they are acting on them. It. Is. Too. Late. [Tangerine waited almost three weeks, in a felony matter, to make any appearance. Bad show, old bean.]

It is highly likely now that an indictment for multiple felonies will be unsealed against the former guy himself. . . the central question, now is whether it will come before -- or after -- the midterm elections.

Honestly, either way. . . the outcome won't change: he is going to wear a jumper of the same color as his faked perma-tan spray: orange. . . eventually. Out, grinning.


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