Monday, August 29, 2022

I Won't Make Too Much... Of The Supposed "Trump's Judge" Effect...

But I will note that she actually sent out an order, in a civil lawsuit BEFORE Trump's team had even filed to get (let alone served) a summons. That is unprecedented, at the trial court level -- where a TRO proceeding is NOT underway. And Team Trump couldn't even figure out how to ask for a TRO, or file an actual complaint at law. No, they started with an entirely. . . unserved "motion". Crazy.

Judge Cannon did so even though Team Trump had not asked for a TRO, or other "emergency" relief. Wild.

I won't make too much of it. . . because she won't matter, in the bigger picture.

And that is so, because the DoJ under Merrick Garland already answered her in a measured. . . but entirely acid-washing fashion. Mr. Bratt let her know just now (at 10 AM Eastern on Monday). . . politely of course. . . that she is. just. too. late. And he closed with this ominous sentence -- not even very. . . politely:

. . .Additionally, the Department of Justice and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ("ODNI") are currently facilitating a classification review of materials recovered pursuant to the search. As the Director of National Intelligence advised Congress, ODNI is also leading an intelligence community assessment of the potential risk to national security that would result from the disclosure of these materials. . . .

That's short for. . . you, and your boy Tangerine (should you persist in trying to "out" these national defense documents) are putting our people's very lives in danger. What a clown show -- from Trumpland.

Of course, the actual malevolence is from Tangerine -- as he had these for 15 months minimum, in an insecure location. But USDC Judge Cannon, by shilling here for the guy who appointed her. . . is out of her depth, off the map -- and may make a fatal / lethal mistake -- if she doesn't start actually following the federal rules of civil procedure, in her court-room -- and "preliminary" rulings.

Yikes. 18 USC § 793(e) is no joking matter, madame.


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