Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Near Midnight Eastern, The Full DoJ Reply In 22-cv-81294 (USDC SDFL) Was Docketed...

We will discuss this fine 36 page piece of lawyering in the morning, in greater detail. [The exhibits, from which the photo (derived at right), of just a portion of Tangerine's purloined document hoard is included (on page 18) is here -- and. . . Welp, damn son, that's. . . some serious mess.]

But as I wander off, to hear the sheets. . . chanting my name. . . sweet and low -- but chanting, just the same. . . I will post this morsel, from the response proper:

. . .Once in a secure government setting, the FBI conducted a preliminary review of the documents contained in the Redweld envelope. That preliminary document review revealed the following: 38 unique documents bearing classification markings, including 5 documents marked as CONFIDENTIAL, 16 documents marked as SECRET, and 17 documents marked as TOP SECRET.

Further, the FBI agents observed markings reflecting sensitive compartments and dissemination controls. Counsel for the former President offered no explanation as to why boxes of government records, including 38 documents with classification markings, remained at the Premises nearly five months after the production of the Fifteen Boxes and nearly one-and-a-half years after the end of [his] administration. . . .

It is hard to overstate the gravity of these offenses against our national security. And he ACTIVELY, personally, persisted -- for over five months, in obstructing. . . the return of the stolen documents -- in obstructing. . . justice.

G'night, one and all of good will. Tangerine has been roundly. . . shown the gate, by his betters, on every dimension now. He will be indicted; no doubt. Grin. . . .



Anonymous said...

I find his lawyers testifying that he had returned everything particularly damning with regards to the obstruction charge. Especially considering what was found in his desk.

It would seem to me that a person would not take and withhold such information and in particular information on intelligence sources and methods, unless he was planning on turning it over (or even selling it especially that Trump is always looking for how he can make money on things) to those being spied on.

The damage to national security is obvious. Not only does it endanger lives and reveals methods. It also damages our ability to recruit sources and use our current methods. Plus why would anyone trust the US and share their intelligence with us.

condor said...

Agree 100%.

Now, lets unseal that indictment!

Grinning. . . . thanks, Anon.!