Sunday, October 22, 2017

Merck Spent Only $2.2 Million -- Compared To Pfizer's $3.5 Million -- On Lobbyists, Just In Q3 2017...

Pfizer has already spent $10.34 million during the first three quarters of 2017; while Kenilworth sits at about $6.3 million, all in thus far, this year.

We had seen the two spend essentially the same amounts in Q2 2017 (as Pfizer's spend was cut in half in that second quarter), only to see Pfizer now return to its Q1 much heavier spend trend, here in Q3. Below in blue is at least a bit of what Merck lobbied on, in Q3 -- and the below partial list completely overlaps with what Pfizer's Mr. Read was lobbying about -- though Read dabbled in some more exotic areas as well -- ones that were left to the side by Merck's Mr. Frazier. [More on that, some other day -- when it isn't so darn nice out. . . smile.]

. . . .▲ 340B (no specific bill), Hepatitis C (general education; no specific bill), Vaccine policies (general education; first dollar coverage; preventative services), shingles vaccine policies (general education), antimicrobial resistance (general education), biosimilars (no specific bill), cost and value of medicines (no specific bill), women's health (general education). . . .

▲ Affordable Care Act, general pharmaceutical issues (transparency, formulary design, prescription drug coverage), Implementation of P.L.114-255 - 21st Century Cures Act, S. 469 - Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act, S. 637. . . .

▲ Creating Transparency to Have Drug Rebates Unlocked Act of 2017. . . .

Now you know -- off grid for a workout, steam and sauna -- then a long bike ride along the lake. . . as it is effectively still summer weather here, on this fine weekend. Grinning ear to ear, with buoyant expectancy. . . .


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