Monday, March 25, 2024

Soyuz 25 -- Docking At ISS Live Stream Video, Now...

Here is the live YouTube video feed. . . about 34 minutes now, to docking; four hours to crew transfer:

This is a great return to space, for Soyuz!

[I am mindful that the four terror suspects, likely ISIS affiliates, appeared savagely beaten and bloodied, in a Moscow courtroom this morning -- and that does Russia no credit. If these are the indeed the perps, it is unlikely they will ever receive humane treatment anywhere again (and we over here, in the West, have no way to verify that Russia got the right guys) -- but that doesn't make it anything we should approve -- or emulate. In this regard, see the Tangerine son's call for new unrest, in the immediately preceding post.]

Onward, grinning just the same, on a fine Monday morning, Spring is fianlly arriving!


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