Monday, March 25, 2024

[U] If It Does "Send Tremors Across This Country" -- To Simply Enforce The New York State Fraud-Seizure Laws -- Evenly, Without Fear Or Favor... SIGN ME UP!

Updated -- even at the reduced $175 million bond amount, Trump likely can't pay it today. And he is still going to lose by over $500 million, when the merits appeal is decided. Not exactly great news for Tangerine. End, update.

The moron spawn of Tangerine apparently told Faux over the weekend. . . that continuing the 93 count, four indictment prosecutions of his pops. . . is going to "send tremors" across the nation. [He is clearly trying foment a new insurrection, when the now largely inevitable convictions come -- based on the evidence already available.]

See, Eric -- how this works is: "you don't do the crime, if you can't do the time." But from Faux, I'll quote only the opening, and last sentence of their "report", thus:

. . .Eric Trump railed against the massive half-billion dollar bond his father must secure in the New York civil fraud case by Monday's deadline or risk having his Empire State assets seized by state Attorney Gen. Letitia James. . . .

If Trump is unable to secure the bond, Attorney General Letitia James and her staff stand ready to seize his New York properties. . . .

Yep -- today's the day. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Onward. . . grinning.


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