Monday, March 25, 2024

End Of March Amazon Check-In: False Claims Made In Smith Case -- At NLRB / Re JFK-8...

We note that Amazon is losing -- and losing profoundly -- in the JFK-8 "union busting" tactics cases, before ALJs at the NLRB in Phoenix (these cases do not get assigned to local judges, to avoid pressure from large employers -- so Phoenix is the venue, but as we all well-know, Amazon has a major footprint in nearly every top 100 US metro area. . . sheesh).

In any event, the clear implication here is that Mr. Smith was in fact fired for union organizing activity -- in manifest violation of the National Labor Relations Act. Do read the latest exceptions filed by the charging party, last Friday, before the NLRB. . . but here is a bit:

. . .This false record shows that Amazon did not follow their policy to counsel only employees whose UPT [unpaid personal time] hours fell below 15. Nonetheless, credibility determinations are not at issue when the records objectively show use of UPT time which contradict his payroll records. [Amazon incredibly] posits that the same week that Smith worked over 40 hours and doubled his usual hours worked, he somehow had bid on other shifts but did not show up. There is no evidence of that. The evidence shows that 10 UPT hours were taken from him in the week he worked double the hours he was supposed to. . . .

This is a pretty egregious record, across dozens of facilities, and hundreds of current and former Amazon workers -- that Bezos' company actively violated, and violates, the law -- in trying to bust up union organizing drives, by underpaid workers. Onward. More starting in April, as ever -- on our monthly check-ins. . . . smile.


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