Monday, March 25, 2024

Not In Any Sense... A Win. NY Appeals Court Still Has Trump In A... Vise. He Only Has Ten Days To Find $175 Million.

Were one to believe/credit Faux, one might think he's in the clear.

Pretty much the opposite is true. He still must find cash of $175 million within ten days. And he is still under the Monitor, while the appeal is heard. When we get to the merits hearing on the appeal -- it is STILL highly likely he will owe over $500 million. All he's done is buy ten days. Here's the actual proof, not the Faux spin:

. . .[Trump parties must post,] within ten (10) days of the date of this order, an undertaking in the amount of $175 million dollars. . . .

The aforesaid stay is conditioned on [Trump parties] perfecting the appeals for the September 2024 Term of this Court. The motion is otherwise denied, including to the extent it seeks a stay of enforcement of portions of the judgment (1) extending and enhancing the role of the Monitor and (2) directing the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance. . . .

Damn. So he has ten days. Big deal. He's still in a very very deep fraud laced (~$550 million plus) hole. . . in New York. Now you know.


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