Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Epilogue From Kentucky, Circa 2015-2020: County Clerk Kim Davis Must Pay $260,000 In Court Costs And Attorneys' Fees -- For Refusing To Do Her Sworn Duty.

The wheels of US justice turn slowly, but they grind malfeasors. . . to a very fine dust, indeed. [With one of several of our prior articles on it all, here.]

This malfeasor refused to follow the law of the land, and validate marriage licenses -- but only if the couple involved was same sex. Her time in the barrel has now arrived, thus -- via AP reporting:

. . .Former county clerk Kim Davis, who refused to issue marriage licenses in Kentucky to same-sex couples, must pay a total of $260,104 in fees and expenses to attorneys who represented one couple, according to a federal judge’s ruling.

That’s in addition to $100,000 in damages a jury said the former Rowan County clerk should pay the couple who sued.

Attorneys for Davis had argued that the fees and costs sought by the attorneys were excessive, but U.S. District Judge David L. Bunning disagreed and said Davis must pay since the men prevailed in their lawsuit, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported. . . .

Now you know -- taking an oath to be a government employee. . . and serve the public. . . means one must faithfully discharge that oath -- not interpose one's purported religious beliefs, on the public. There is no "right" to be a county clerk. It is a privilege, exclusively -- so, one must resign, if one feels issuing marriage licenses to two men or two women. . . is against one's faith. Period.

[I imagine that her Liberty U. "educated" lawyers (Heh!) will appeal this to the US Supremes, eventually, free of charge -- and she will lose there, as well. But she will need to post a $26,000 bond just to file her appeal. I doubt she has it.] And yes, this is indeed a very fine start to 2024 -- even if a lil' late in arriving!


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