Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Texas Land Razor Wire Case: Gov. Abbott Owes His Brief In Fifth Cir. By Jan. 16; Mr. Biden's DHS Brief Is Due January 26; Argument Will Be February 7, 2024...

The "as expedited" schedule was set, in an order entered in the Fifth Circuit this afternoon, in Houston.

The loser, Gov. Abbott, now owes his brief (to try to keep enjoining the feds) in 14 days, the federal agencies are due in 24 days. [But to be clear, DHS and CBP are allowed to keep cutting the razor wire barriers -- to "inspect" any person they see on the wrong side of it, throughout the appeal process.] Thus:

. . .The above referenced case has been scheduled for oral argument on 02/07/2024. It will be held in Houston at the Bob Casey Courthouse in Courtroom 11-D- at 9:00. The Oral Argument session number is 26.

Arguing counsel is responsible for electronically filing the Oral Argument Acknowledgment Form by no later than January 16, 2024. . . .

Now you know (slight delay due to longish afternoon bike trail in desert. . . riding). Onward, into a better 2024. . . smile.


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