Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Solely To Preserve A Full Record, Here Is Tangerine's Largely Incomprehensible Filing Re Colorado -- In US Supremes.

Look -- the guy is clearly clutching after straws, here... Section 3 of the 14th Amendment means exactly what it says.

And his own lawyers have long argued that ballot issues are state law decisions, in the conservative "states' rights" view of federalism. Even in Presidential elections.

That is exactly why Trump thought he could replace actual, legitimate state-sanctioned electors with his own acolytes / rump people (lawlessly), on 1/6/21.

He was wrong then, and he is wrong now.

Colorado and Maine have the right to apply the 14th Amendment in their states.

But whatever. I still think it better to shellack him state by state, in a live election.

Tangerine is dying on the vine, here -- day by fateful day -- either way.

Karma is. . . a wheel, baby.


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