Sunday, December 24, 2023

Solely For A Complete Record -- Rudy Won't Be Able To Avoid This $148 Million Judgment Debt, In Bankruptcy...

Rudy is seeking to avoid paying a series of lawsuit claims and judgments (all in, especially when one considers that several larger ones are listed as "unknown amount" -- it will be over $171 million), almost all of which arise from what the law calls intentional torts or intentional frauds. The bankruptcy laws will give him no shelter from those -- you must pay your bar-tab, on those, Rudy. Trust me on this; I've chased others under these statutes. He will lose.

And I suspect the likely nearly $10 million he owes in overdue, unpaid legal fees -- to firms around the country -- may also not be dischargeable. They all have decent bankruptcy counsel. But we shall see. Here are the top 50 creditor accounts, as well. He claims no one has a security interest on his assets -- but he's not listing his real property, so we know there are secured debts, on those [they will be resolved outside of the bankruptcy courts]:

. . .The law requires that you receive a briefing about credit counseling before you file for bankruptcy. . . .

Hilarious -- and sadly, it doesn't require that you get counseling -- about being a more ethical and honorable. . . human. Onward,



Anonymous said...

Check this out.,in%20the%20right%20to%20life.

Seems like an open attack on the establishment clause.

So much for his oath to support and defend the Constitution.

condor said...

And. . . He’s only “pro-life” until a child is born. . . and born whyte.

Let a brown child need something? Heaven forbid that brown child was born on the wrong side of some fence, or river.

The saddest part of it all. . . Is that he likely doesn’t even believe what he says.

He just wants. . . to hold on to his seat.


Great find!

Namaste. . .