Thursday, December 28, 2023

In Which DWAC… Goes… Whack-A-Doodle.

Apologies, in advance: this is about Tangerine's crazy pants Truth social media efforts. . . and the increasingly-convoluted attempts of the same to become a public company.

And yes -- the below is THAT Devin Nunes. Utterly. . . nutty -- but here it is:

. . .TMTG’s CEO, Devin Nunes, noted “With this filing, we are closing in on the final steps before our merger becomes effective and goes to the shareholders for a vote. Once consummated, we believe that the merger will allow Truth Social to exit the research and development phase, establishing our platform as a true start-up enterprise and the centerpiece of a movement. . . .

For now, we’ve answered the SEC’s inquiries and will be happy to address any follow-up questions they may have. . . .”

Hilarious. This has been. . . nearly three years of disorganization, failures to meet fund-raising goals, delays. . . and questionable efforts at solid SEC rules compliance. Charming. G'night!


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