Saturday, December 23, 2023

In Which USDC Judge Alia L. Moses Enters A Largely Trivial Order, Right Before Christmas, In Del Rio, TX...

The only thing that matters, is that the federal CBP and DHS have until mid-March of 2024 -- to answer the Texas complaint. [By then, the Fifth Circuit may have already tossed the case.]

Rather churlishly, though, she declined to stay her proceedings while the Fifth Circuit (and perhaps Supremes) decide whether federal statutes unchanged though nearly a half-century's worth of litigation practice. . . mean what they say, at 8 USC § 1225(a)(1) and (3), regarding immigration matters -- at the border.

No. . . she chose instead to write (rather imperially) in her two page order's conclusion ". . .matters pending in this Court may be clarified by any decision by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. . . ."

Welp. . . in fact, Judge Moses -- they may be obliterated, too. Not just "clarified".

The feds have the right to "inspect" people at our border. See 8 USC § 1225(a)(1), and (3). The razor wire (without serious dispute) is impeding that Congressional mandate.

Game over.

Onward -- be excellent to one another!


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