Sunday, December 31, 2023

Good News! In 2024, Denmark Will Have... A New, Liberal And Environmentally-Aware... King.

She abdicated on live television, after 52 years, did the now former Queen -- his mother.

For over a thousand years, Denmark has been. . . a monarchy, at least formally (though for over a century, most of the real power has been in a parliamentary representative democracy / republican form of government). Even so, this is the big drama of the new year in the EU -- with a generational "changing of the guard", now in Denmark. Here's a bit, of the latest:

. . .A rebellious teen turned "woke" family man, Denmark's future king Crown Prince Frederik is the embodiment of the country's relaxed, liberal monarchy.

Passionate about the environment, he has discreetly imposed himself in the shadow of his hugely popular mother, Queen Margrethe II, championing Denmark and its drive to find solutions to the climate crisis.

"When the time comes, I will guide the ship," he said in a speech celebrating his chain-smoking mother's half century on the throne in 2022.

His time at college included a stint at Harvard in the United States, where he was enrolled under the pseudonym Frederik Henriksen. . . .

Now you know (and in some small ways, his youth echoes mine) -- the times, they are. . . a 'changin'. . . be excellent to all you meet, in 2024!


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