Saturday, December 30, 2023

A Minor Matter: Trump's Lawyers, Defending Him In Manhattan Against His Filching Of Eddy Grant's Music... Have Withdrawn.

In the Southern District of New York (Manhattan) federal courts, Trump is being sued for taking "Electric Avenue" as written and performed by Eddy Grant (and, as filched by Trump in 2020), being used in defaming Mr. Biden with it in a 2020 campaign ad.

It is undisputed that Trump and his campaign sought no permission, paid no royalty and flat out framed the song in a false light -- one that damages its marketability.

This is so, because Mr. Grant wrote the song and recorded it in the 1980s, as a protest against British police brutality -- against people of color in a Brixton, UK protest there back in the day.

Trump's stealing of it is thus not in any serious dispute.

Here at year end 2023, after settlement talks (to pay Mr. Grant) have apparently broken down, and Tangerine's lawyers see they aren't going to be paid anything more for the case. . . they are resigning, and Trump is hiring new counsel.




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