Monday, January 1, 2024

And... Bibi's Attempt To End Israeli Judiciary's Role: Independent Review... Has Failed. More International Good News, To Open 2024.

More encouraging news, here, to open 2024 -- Netanyahu's attempt to create a form of autocratic dictatorship, in Israel, by removing most powers of the judiciary branch to review laws and executive orders for congruence with the structure of the government, and for reasonableness. . . has ended in failure.

Israel's Supreme Court has ruled, 8-7, that a fundamental right -- akin to ours, first firmly articulated in Marbury v. Madison, exists in Israel, as well.

It cannot be abridged, by a mere penstroke -- even by Bibi.

Here is the latest, from the AP International desk:

. . .Israel’s Supreme Court on Monday struck down a key component of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s contentious judicial overhaul, a decision that threatens to reopen the fissures in Israeli society that preceded the country’s ongoing war against Hamas.

Those divisions were largely put aside while the country focuses on the war in Gaza, which was triggered by a bloody cross-border attack by Hamas. Monday’s court decision could reignite those tensions, which sparked months of mass protests against the government and had rattled the cohesion of the powerful military.

There was no immediate reaction from Netanyahu. . . .

This is the way "the arc of history. . . bends inexorably. . . toward justice, freedom and progress." Onward, smiling!



Anonymous said...

Technical quibble. They don't review laws for constitutionality as there is no constitution.

condor said...

Excellent correction! Thanks, and I’ve edited my copy.

No Israel legal niceties expert am I — hah!

Namaste. . . .