Friday, August 18, 2023

State of Texas Workers Caught "Red-Handed", On Rio Grande, Trying To "Move" The Razor Wire Barrier Off Of Mexico's Sovereign Lands / Riverbeds... DAMN.

In a federal court filing today, the United States advised the able USDC Judge that federal employees overnight observed, and recorded video -- as well as stills -- see at right, as one such example -- of Texas state workers trying to "move" the pylons anchoring the abomination off of what is without doubt. . . Mexico's own lands.

Earlier -- just a week ago, in fact -- state attorneys had sworn that the whole structure was on the land claimed by a county inside Texas. As this federal agency declaration proves, that statement was plainly false when made, thus:

. . .The United States hereby notifies the Court of new facts relevant to this suit. Last night, the U.S. Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) received a report of in-water construction work being performed at the site of the Floating Barrier. This morning, IBWC personnel visited the site and observed excavators and workers in the river and a concrete anchor being repositioned in a different location within the Rio Grande, closer to the U.S. bank. Decl. of Evelio Siller ¶¶ 2-4. The United States had no advance notice that Defendants would be performing additional work on the Floating Barrier.

When questioned by counsel this afternoon, Defendants admitted that Texas is presently repositioning the Floating Barrier within the river. Texas’ newly resumed, unauthorized construction activities in the Rio Grande underscore why this Court should grant the United States’ Opposed Motion for Preliminary Injunction, ECF. . . .

GOP Gov. Abbott now knows the taxpayers of the state are going to have to pay Mexico for this lawless "invasion" -- on Mexico's side of the Rio Grande riverbed. Charming. Out, on a warm Friday night, to snag a banana shake, grinning. . . ever, grinning.


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