Saturday, August 19, 2023

Shortly, A West Texas Federal Judge Will Have To Decide Whether He Will Follow The Long Standing Federal Laws... Or Succumb To Local TX GOP Political Pressures...

We've shown you a rapidly worsening series of lawless border incursions / attacks on the Mexico side of the US border, along the Rio Grande, by local Texas state workers, at the direct order of GOP Gov. Abbott. The injunction hearing will now be in Austin, Texas, at 9 AM, on August 22, 2023.

These inhumane "Berlin Wall" style barriers are outside the power of any individual state governor, and in saner times -- that would be beyond dispute. [And it turns out that he built them mostly ON MEXICO'S landed side. . . of the riverbed!!] But these are times when that same Governor feels it is acceptable to pack recent asylum seekers onto hot buses, at mid-summer, and ship them to Chicago, where at least one toddler has died in transit, due to lack of Texas provided emergency medical care, on the bus. This man. . . is a brown-shirted wanna' be despot.

In any event, overnight Texas tried impotently to defend its razor wire on the river inhumanity. We will link it for the record, but will re-quote the US position, on why this is an. . . abomination, while we await a decision at the trial court level:

. . .The United States brings this civil enforcement action under sections 12 and 17 of the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act of 1899 (“RHA” or “Rivers and Harbors Act”), 33 USC §§ 406 and 413, against Defendants Greg Abbott, in his official capacity as Governor of the State of Texas, and the State of Texas. . . .

[The State of Texas'] structures also constitute an unauthorized obstruction to the navigable capacity of waters of the United States in violation of RHA section 10, 33 USC § 403. . . . In this action, the United States seeks: (1) to enjoin the building of structures in navigable waters and the obstruction to the navigable capacity of the waters of the United States in violation of the RHA, 33 USC § 403; and (2) to require [The State of Texas], at their own expense and cost, to remove all structures and obstructions, including a floating barrier and all infrastructure related to the floating barrier, in the Rio Grande. . . .

[The State of Texas does] not have authorization from the Corps pursuant to 33 USC § 403 or 33 CFR § 322.3 for the Floating Barrier or for any associated infrastructure. . . . [The State of Texas] did not seek authorization from the Corps prior to installing the Floating Barrier. . . . Governor Abbott stated publicly on June 8, 2023, that Texas may seek to build similar floating barriers within the Rio Grande along the United States-Mexico border in Texas in addition to the one then contemplated, and now constructed, in the vicinity of Eagle Pass, Texas. . . .

Now you know. What a horror show this feckless idiot in Texas is. Damn. Out.


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