Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Texas GOP Gov. Abbott Is Now In An "International Treaty" Kettle Of Very Hot Water -- And The Fire Is... Fully Banked! [Irony Edition: "Texas Will Pay For It!"]

In an overnight federal court filing in West Texas, an updated, official US Survey map (said map now having been fully-ratified by the proper governmental authorities in Mexico, our fast international ally) has been offered by the US's lawyers. See at right. [Also see one of my prior backgrounders on it all, here.]

The most salient import of this otherwise black and white map is really the dotted blue line. That is the agreed official, to the inch, border between our nations, on the Rio Grande. And as the black pylon markers indicate, almost the entire lower three-fourths of that anchored structure lies not just in a federal waterway (bad enough!). . . but also is driven into the riverbed / land mass that belongs exclusively to. . . Mexico. This idiot built it. . . on Mexican property. Damn.

In sum, Mexico would be within its international treaty rights, to come raze the bottom three-fourths of it, tomorrow. And I take it, our federal government -- one with exclusive authority over our international border affairs. . . would support that outcome.

Moreover, unsurprisingly -- but in deliciously ironic fashion -- the US may well support the government of Mexico -- in CHARGING the State of Texas, and its lawless GOP Administration. . . for the COST of removal.

It was wrongful, as a matter of law, when erected by Texas.

So, instead of Tangerine's crazy wall rhetoric, here two years on, we see "I'll make Texas pay Mexico" as a reality -- a fact based, soon to be court-endorsed. . . remedy.

"Whoa! Good shootin' there, Tex!"


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