Sunday, November 27, 2022

It Has Been 13 Days Without A New Case Reported... But 42 Days Are A Minimum To Declare An Arrest Of Ebola.

There is encouraging news, this weekend of giving thanks in America -- out of Uganda and out of Mubende District, particularly -- as indicated at right (courtesy WHO for the base graphics, from which it was derived).

But there is still a long way to go. This time, we are at 77 dead -- and have not yet turned the corner on new cases. Here's the latest from WHO, on the ground there:

. . .The weekly number of confirmed cases reported has decreased for the third consecutive week (Figure 1) after the peak observed in the week 17-23 October. During the week commencing 7 November, five confirmed and one probable case was reported, including one confirmed case and one probable death from a newly affected district (Jinja), in the Eastern Region of Uganda, which is 80 km distant from Kampala. The most recent confirmed case was reported by the Uganda MoH on 14 November, from Kampala district. . . .

Since the last [official report] published on 10 November, one newly affected district has been reported (Jinja), leading to a total of nine districts that have reported confirmed SVD cases.

The most affected district remains Mubende with 64 (45%) confirmed cases and 29 (53%) confirmed deaths, followed by Kassanda with 48 (34%) confirmed cases and 20 (36%) confirmed deaths. Two districts, Bunyangabu and Kagadi, have not reported cases for more than 42 days. . . .

So, bit by bit. . . the forces of bioscience are gaining the upper hand.

Now you know. Be excellent to each other -- and do be grateful, for all. . . that is. [It seems the potential case in the UK was a false alarm.]


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