Wednesday, November 23, 2022

I Will Be Busy With Family Stuff, But At 2 PM Yesterday, The Eleventh Circuit Heard Argument... And Was Skeptical Of Tangerine, On Mar-A-Lago "Top Secrets".

Do follow EmptyWheel, both on her blog, and her feed on Mastodon Social (the grown-ups' version of Twitter), to stay up to date.

She will have the most cogent insights over the holiday weekend -- by a wide margin. From yesterday, then -- a bit:

. . .[Judges] Grant and Brasher were on the panel that already held that Cannon erred in intervening given that there was no evidence of callous disregard for Trump’s rights, so I fancy DOJ’s chances. . . .

For the reasons I laid out here, the decision the 11th Circuit makes, and how quickly they make it, will dictate how quickly DOJ could charge the stolen document case. DOJ likely has already discussed what documents they could charge without creating more national security damage. . . .

Onward. But hilariously, she points out that yesterday, as if to prove egregious injuries -- the Baby T. lawyers complained that the DoJ took Tangerine's autographed Celine Dion photo. [It has since been returned.] Damn!

Now you know -- Tangerine is plainly in sinking ship mode. And that makes me. . . smile.


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