Monday, November 28, 2022

Retiring Merck Chairman Ken Frazier: "American Democracy Is In Danger"...

Mr. Frazier is absolutely spot on / 100% right, here -- and it is the people who blindly follow Tangerine (and, of course Tangerine, Nick Fuentes, Stephen Miller, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon -- among others) that most imperil this, our rather fragile experiment in liberty and law, now 240 some years on.

Here's the Matt Herper item -- but it is presently pay-walled at STAT+, so I won't quote it at any length:

. . .[Mr. Frazier,] the former chief executive of Merck, has been the preeminent pharmaceutical CEO of his era. He is also likely the most prominent CEO to have spoken out against the former president, Donald Trump. . . .

Do go read it all.

Onward, to make O'Hare airport drop-offs now -- but the desert holidays are only about four weeks out!


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