Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Andrew Weissmann Proposes That DoJ Suggest USDC Magistrate Judge Reinhart As The "Special Master". BRILLIANT!

Given how unhinged Aileen Cannon's ruling of yesterday is. . . this is only partly tongue in cheek.

Most competent, honest judges in her shoes would have simply referred any dispute about the felony search warrant, or its execution. . . to the court that issued it. Especially where a civil remedy was sought by the warrant's target.

Judge Reinhart did exceptionally well in the Craig "Faketoshi" Wright case, which we closely covered at another property -- and mentioned occasionally here. He was practical, quick and balanced. As he has been in the warrant matters, directly. Naming him would certainly speed things along.

We will not bother with much more analysis of her decision, other than to say. . . she apparently finds a transcendent "property right" in a few photos and news clippings (of a THIEF!), one that -- out of hundreds of STOLEN classified documents. . . should eclipse the people's right to return of stolen national defense secrets. STOLEN.

From this, she manages to try to say (impotently, since this power is not hers, sitting as a civil matter, in any event) that the government must stop using the STOLEN documents for any investigative purpose. Unfathomable.

So, I rob a bank of $20 million, in cash; the blue dye pack explodes on several stacks of bills as I exit the bank. I put the whole pallet of bills -- including lots of bright blue-dyed ones. . . in my garage, under a lock and key, in my backyard. But I have $0.79 in loose change on a table in the garage that is actually mine.

The FBI gets a warrant; they come and pick-up all the bills, blue-dyed and not so. And inadvertently, they scoop the seventy-nine cents off the table.

Judge Cannon would say that even after FBI handed back all of the $0.79, it cannot continue to investigate who else might be involved (holding blue bills, for example, in the neighborhood) on a $20 million pile of STOLEN property. . . because. . . less than a buck was picked up in error. See the problem here? Damn. Just. . . damn.

Out. ['Twas nine long years ago, this morning -- at the refurbed Union Station... smile.]



Anonymous said...

so, what to make of the news: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/07/politics/william-barr-donald-trump-mar-a-lago-judge/index.html ?

The end of the world??? now that you and Barr agree~~!!

condor said...

Eeek! Thanks, Anon. -- good one (I did see that. . . ish).

At the risk of sounding, erh. . . cynical:

William Barr can see that "The Time of Tangerine" is plainly at an end. He desperately needs to rehabilitate his "reputation" as a serious GOP adult in the room, after his flat-out lying about what the Mueller Report contained, and sending US government lawyers to defend Trump on allegations that he raped a woman, decades ago. . . in a private defamation suit. [How was that -- in any manner -- the business of the US government, I ask you?!]

Those are just a few of Billy Barr's crimes against all of us, our morality, and decency -- if not federal law -- and his oath of office.

So. . . he needs Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney to welcome him back into the conversations of "real" conservative politics. And he well knows Judge Cannon's opinion is. . . flatly. . . bonkers.

Like they say (as to Barr, at least) -- even a broken clock is right. . . twice a day!

These certainly are. . . interesting times. Laura Ingram was on Tee Vee last night, I hear (I did NOT watch!). . . making LIGHT of the FACT that Tangerine had foreign government's nuclear capability data and documents in his office drawers, and closets. . . Geez.

I wonder how much a foreign dictator's emissary had to pay. . . to get access to those closets.

DAMNATION -- and Laura (Cruella DeVille!) thinks it. . . funny.


But in good news, Steve ("Jabba the Hutt") Bannon is surrendering on an unsealed indictment today, on NY State fund-raising fraud charges for the millions he siphoned off of "We Build The Wall" -- his pardon can't / won't cover that (state and local charges).

So -- things are looking up!

Namaste. . . .