Tuesday, December 21, 2021

BREAKING: Chicago, Like LA -- Starting January 3, 2022 -- Will Require A Vaccine Card To Enter A Bar, Restaurant, Concert, Sports Event Or Theater...

Here it is -- and it is a wise response, as LA took -- based on science available at the moment:


When this ends now hinges -- almost exclusively, upon those choosing NOT to vaccinate.



Anonymous said...

An interesting bit of science: https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/21/asia/baby-dinosaur-inside-egg-scn/index.html

condor said...

Excellent -- bird-like they were, indeed!

And, in what is now England, but back then was equatorial (tropical) climate, the "accidental" paleontologists have come upon a fossil of a millipede the size of a small car:


Thats; one big. . . BUG!

Thanks -- great stuff -- and safe and happy holidays, to you and yours, Anon.
