Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Bloomberg: We May See FDA Clearance For Paxlovid® AND Lagevrio® As Early As Tomorrow...

With President Biden set to announce the availability of 500 million free at home instant test kits today, to alleviate shortages -- and to re-deploy some military personnel -- also to address the surge in Omicron variant prevalence. . . it makes sense that the FDA will clear both of the at home COVID therapy pills, for at risk adults.

As I've said repeatedly, I expect both pills to perform quite well over the longer term -- and I expect this will save many hundreds of thousands of patients from ever being hospitalized for the more severe versions of COVID-19.

That is fantastic news, but we all must take seriously this less lethal, but more contagious Omicron variant, to be certain. From Bloomberg's reporting then -- a bit:

. . .The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is poised to authorize a pair of pills from Pfizer Inc. and Merck & Co. to treat Covid-19 as soon as this week, according to people familiar with the matter -- a milestone in the fight against the pandemic that will soon expand therapies for the ill.

An announcement may come as early as Wednesday, according to three of the people. They asked not to be identified ahead of the authorization and cautioned that the plan could change. . . .

We shall now await direct word, from the 46th President for more -- but onward, smiling -- with middle son and partner arriving tonight, by plane -- into the deserts. Woot!


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