Tuesday, November 9, 2021

As We Predicted, NASA Crewed Mission To Moon Pushed Past 2025...

It is (from my vantage point) not at all clear that a crew is needed, to do any real science on the moon. [Perhaps unfairly, my bias here is. . . that it was Tangerine who wanted a crew on Mars, but basic safety dictated returning a crew to the moon, first -- as a stepping stone.]

With him gone, never to return, I honestly don't see a huge need to put human boots onto the surface of Mars, either. Our robotics have become so reliable, and sophisticated. . . that I am not sure why we would risk human lives for that long term exposure to space radiation, on the trip there, and back. So -- the item:

. . .NASA on Tuesday delayed its plans to return astronauts to the surface of the moon, announcing the agency is targeting 2025 for a crewed landing. . . .

“The Trump administration’s target of 2024 human landing was not grounded in technical feasibility,” NASA administrator Bill Nelson told reporters on a conference call. . . .

So. . . now you know -- I suppose we will leave it to Mr. Musk -- to put boots on Mars. Smile. . . .


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