Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Truly Trivia: Craig Wright's Self-Serving "Testimony" In Miami... From One "Fake-Toshi".

This is mostly just filler, until we find some more on-point content to talk about.

Bloomberg has it all -- but here's a bit:

. . .Craig Wright insisted in his testimony this week that [he and Mr. Dave Kleiman] only mined Bitcoin together for test purposes, not for profit. If the jury buys that explanation it could shield Wright from having to split a $73 billion fortune he would control if he’s truly the founder of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

The creator’s identity has been a mystery for years. He’s known to the world only as Satoshi Nakamoto, and it isn’t clear if he was a real person. The lawsuit is premised upon the notion that Wright was at least part of Satoshi Nakamoto, but that belief is not widely shared in the Bitcoin community -- and nothing that’s come out so far in federal court in Miami proves that it’s true.

Instead, the trial has focused on the existence and nature of the partnership between Wright and the deceased Dave Kleiman, whose estate claims it has been cheated out of its share of the immense wealth created by their collaboration.

The Satoshi question may not come to a head unless Kleiman’s estate prevails and tries to collect its half of a cache of 1.1 million Bitcoins thought to be held by the currency’s creator. While the trial has been underway, the world’s largest digital token reached an all-time high of $68,513, and has since dropped to $66,690.

“Everything in my heart died when Dave died,” Wright told the jury, choking up as he described their relationship.

Even so, it simply isn’t true that the two had teamed up to create or mine, he said while under cross-examination by a lawyer for the Kleiman estate.

Wright was presented with emails showing him in his own words talking about mining Bitcoin with Kleiman. But he said the nature of the “mining” described in the emails is being mischaracterized.

Mining is conventionally thought of as the extraction of new Bitcoin from the network by solving super-complex math problems that require powerful computers. By solving the problems, miners help create blocks of transactions that form Bitcoin’s digital ledger.

Instead, Wright said, the “testing” he and Kleiman did together was a follow-up to reports of Bitcoin’s involvement in illicit finance in 2011, associated with the dark web marketplace known as Silk Road.

The case against Wright relies heavily on email traffic from after Kleiman’s death, in which the Australian communicates with various associates and Ira Kleiman, Dave’s brother and the representative of his estate. The jury has also heard podcast interviews in which Wright has told interviewers about Kleiman’s involvement with the Satoshi Nakamoto project. . . .

Later this week, or next, we should hear testimony about, and see the actual allegedly forged signature on a "Tulip Trust" -- and some other documents, likely each created from whole cloth, and likely years after the fact -- by Mr. Wright, or someone he hired -- to try to avoid paying out to the Estate, Dave's rightful share. Ugly.


1 comment:

condor said...

Hey you — just now, at 11:12 pm… baby girls sleepova’ tomorrow night! Woot!