Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Real Science; Real Results: Additional ~$2.2 Billion In US Purchase Commitments, For Merck's Oral Anti-COVID-19 Pills

In addition to the below, the drug regulator for the EU, the EMEA, has said overnight that it will work to approve the COVID oral pill in the "shortest possible time", taking a cue from (and not wishing to be upstaged by!) the British / post-BREXIT-ed announcement, of last week (we covered, that -- here).

And so, a cascading series of events is underway -- in Condor's experienced estimation -- HHS and BARDA do not want to run short, when/if both the EU and the Brits seek large scale deliveries of the pill, since essentially all of Europe will now be eligible to stock the pill, in the national health registries (pharmacies). So Uncle Sam is getting another big order in, ahead of the pack.

And yes, all of this is very good news for Kenilworth. Here's the bit:

. . .[T]he United States government will exercise two of its options to purchase a total of 1.4 million additional courses of molnupiravir, an investigational oral antiviral medicine, if the medicine is granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for approximately $1 billion. With these exercised options, the U.S. government has now committed to purchase a total of approximately 3.1 million courses of molnupiravir, for approximately $2.2 billion, between authorization and early 2022.

The U.S. government also has the ability to purchase more than 2 million additional courses through further options that remain in the contract. Merck is developing molnupiravir in collaboration with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics. . . .

Onward, grinning -- much afoot for the coming holidays, here. . . truly a magical time of year, and in magical places, to boot. . . be excellent to one another.


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