Thursday, July 1, 2021

Tangerine Adviser Jason Miller Launches A Grammar Free Twitter Knockoff -- On T-Org. Indictment Day.

These guys are just completely. . . inept. And truly lost, in their myopia.

And, apparently, in their inability to master. . . fifth grade level English grammar. Here is Deadline on the ill-starred attempt:

. . .The app’s grammatically challenged description in the App Store reads, “GETTR is a non-bias (sic) social network for people all over the world. GETTR tried the best to provide best (sic) software quality to the users, allow anyone to express their opinion freely. . . .”

It also touts a “quick sign up process,” which apparently only requires an email address. That’s a breach of safety protocol on many social media platforms, which require more verification these days to eliminate bots and trolls. . . .

Onward -- grinning, at the sheer lunacy of it all.


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