Friday, July 2, 2021

As Expected, The Ninth Circuit Affirms All Of The Able USDC Judge Dolly Gee's Rulings In The Flores Litigation...

More solid news, for rehabilitating our system of handling immigrants, and asylum seekers alike, especially minor children -- whether with their parents, or arriving alone, without them. Our treaty obligaitons, and basic decency, demanded more of us than the GOP was willing to give for almost four long years.

Tangerine spent at least three and a half of his four years opposing safe and sanitary conditions for children. Children. Do let that sink in. This definitively ends that horrid time in our recent history. [One day, historians will rightly compare that period as akin to the unfolding scandal of a almost a century past, in Canada's Catholic residential schooling facilities, for native children. It is suspected there are now over 5,000 unmarked graves -- of very young children, there.]

Here is the full 27 page opinion.

We are smiling, as Grant Park Music Festival resumes in-person, on the lawn tonight, after eighteen months of COVID-related hiatus. A lovely (if slightly chilly but clear) night in the park, ahead with my eldest. . . do be excellent to one another.


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