Thursday, July 1, 2021

This Is What A Domestic Terror / Insurrection Conspiracy Looks Like: Military People, On 01.06.21, Claiming They Were "Let In" -- Didn't Tresspass...

I must say, once again -- you should read, regularly -- if you are at all interested in the tick-tock, on these January 6 insurrection arrests and/or indictments, and guilty pleas/flippers.

Here we learn -- due to her excellent sleuthing, and coordinating the disparate time-lines / social media statements by already-known suspects (and indicted people), that at least one of three Marines immediately claimed he couldn't be arrested, on January 6-7, because he didn't tresspass -- as "someone" let him in.

It turns out that the "someone" was not DC or Capitol police, but was. . . one of his own terrorists' cell, who'd breached another entrance, and then coordinated with him -- and others -- to "let them in" through the magnetic lock East doors, from the inside. That sort of pre-planning, coordination and subterfuge, should support enhanced domestic terrorist charges. Here's the bit:

. . .It seems that three different Marines or former Marines were involved with or knew the East Door of the Capitol would be opened: Darrell Youngers, Chris Warnargiris, and Oath Keeper Jason Dolan. . . .

At a time Dolan probably suspected he might be arrested -- as the government suspects, he went on Gateway Pundit to claim that he and everyone else couldn’t have been trespassing, because the magnetic doors couldn’t have opened unless someone unlocked it. As part of this story, the anonymous source believed to be Dolan claimed that the Marine who opened the doors first went inside and then opened the doors from the inside. . . .

But it was (very likely) one of their Marine/Ex-Marine terrorists' sortie. . . who did the opening from the inside. Yikes. Do go read it all. The irrepressible Marcy Wheeler is. . . all over it.


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