Sunday, July 4, 2021

[O/T] For The First Time In US History... The Government Is Making Sober, Non-Dismissively Serious, And Scientific Statements About Widely-Documented But Unexplained Aerial Events...

And so, I finally feel comfortable (in public, now) suggesting that our long-term donations to SETI are not mere fools' errands.

Who knows whether there will ever be a satisfactory explanation for the widely-shared Navy video observations? No one.

But what is certain, is they cannot be dismissed as hallucinations, of any kind. And so, we will listen in on Thursday, July 8, at 9 PM Eastern -- to this Zoom with Seth Shostak -- of SETI. There are multiple perspectives to consider here -- and science requires that all view-points, with reasonable evidence. . . be heard. And now we have what must be called. . . reasonable evidence. Here's the link:

. . .UFOs are suddenly serious business. The Pentagon’s confirmation of “unidentified aerial phenomena” has led to a heightened level of excitement and speculation about the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial life. So what’s really going on here? There is perhaps no one better qualified to answer the big questions about the search for intelligent life in the universe than astronomer Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute. . . .

. . .Shostak will discuss how the UFO phenomenon differs in fundamental respects from science’s search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Two-thirds of the American populace believes that our galaxy is home to other intelligent beings. And one-third believe that clever creatures are piloting their spacecraft through our atmosphere, occasionally making themselves visible to Navy pilots. Meanwhile, a tiny group of scientists is trying to find proof of intelligence that could be situated dozens or thousands of light-years away. But why try to contact beings billions of miles away if they’re already at our front door?. . . .

So, we will think about the far more likely probability -- approaching 1.0, that somewhere out there, there is intelligent life. It is not as clear to me, on our Independence Day 2021. . . why they would bother with this backward, often hate-filled world. But there is beauty here too. . . so maybe that explains it. Onward, to the. . . undiscovered country.

Sidewalk chalk (in the arena of. . . beauty), for baby-girl, next!


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