Thursday, January 5, 2023

Trump’s Lawyers — In NY AG Civil Fraud Action — Repeatedly Violated Rules… Now, They Must Face The Music.

And now, the able Justice. . . is out of patience.

Tangerine’s lawyers have only until tomorrow — to explain why they should not be held in contempt, for making “repeatedly frivolous” arguments — ones the court previously directly ruled against.

That’s called. . . the law of the case.

And they regularly ignore it.

Now they may all owe hundreds of thousands in fines and opponents’ attorneys’ fees — or worse, face discipline from the NY Bar authorities.


Updated: here late at night, Eastern time, I've read parts of some of the lawyers' replies to this. Yikes. Several of them seem to argue that the Justice cannot sanction lawyers (even to control his own courtroom / workload?!), unless the opponent (here the NY AG office) moves for sanctions.

That is. . . simply preposterous. And is worthy of a sanctions finding -- in itself. More manana, but for her part, the NY AG offers a withering rebuke to the Trumpian nonsense filings -- in only three pages.

[Here's a link to the Justice's paper, when I’m back from dinner, late tonight.]


1 comment:

condor said...

Once at 8:17 pm… watching Nuggets… smile.