Friday, January 6, 2023

A Rather [Q] Sad Sign O' The Times: Someone FAKED A Report Of A Suspected Ebola Case, At A DC Area Hospital, Yesterday... Damn.

Reuters has definitively debunked the claimant, a Twitter "alt-news" source -- with over 43,000 followers.

And, I seriously considered not mentioning it at all -- but the idea that up to 43,000 DC area ordinary folks might be misled into believing there had been even a potential ebola case in the metro area. . . led me to post the proof of its utter falsity.

Here is the whole of the Reuters fact checking item, quoting the President of GW Hospital -- and truly, I am loath to spread negativity (especially on the second anniversary of that awful day in DC), but some difficult things. . . must be said, for the good of us all:

. . .There is no evidence of a patient testing positive for the Ebola virus at The George Washington (GW) University Hospital in Washington, D.C., health officials told Reuters. Users online are sharing a claim that the hospital is no longer accepting patients out of concern over a possible Ebola outbreak.

Examples of users sharing images of a tweet that reads, “BREAKING NEWS: GW HOSPITAL isn’t accepting no patients due to a possible EBOLA OUTBREAK. Also Washington Hospital Center has no bed space with a line out the door” can be seen on Facebook (here) and (here).

A Google search for the tweet from Jan. 4 in the image leads to a link on Twitter that appears to have been deleted (here). . . .

As I say. . . these are sad times, in some ways -- but with the Uganda "all clear" to come in about 40 hours' time now -- I want to be sure that we focus on telling the truth about all bio-science events. And non-events. It would not strain credulity to figure this was a Q-Anon directed attempt, on the second anniversary of that deplorable day. But now you know.


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