Friday, January 6, 2023

Trump's Lawyers Sternly Admonished -- And Ridiculed. And, Ivanka And Trump Cannot Be Dismissed Out Of The NYAG Civil Frauds Actions.

To be sure -- this order must be read simply as... an act of mercy, on the able Justice's part.

He likely well knows that these lawyers have positively the worst client on the planet -- one who ignores advice and insists on repeatedly making plainly frivolous, unlawful claims -- as the "blood-oath" price, for representing him.

So it is that the courts will not grant any Trump motions to dismiss the litigation; and will not allow Ivanka to escape liability for her allegedly fraudlent dealings with, and showings to. . . the fleeced banks (which yielded a ~$10 million profit to her, personally!). . . but (mercifully) he will not impose sanctions, on the hapless crew of 10 or so lawyers for Trumpworld.

So -- the whole thing will now go before a jury. And Tangerine's team will lose -- and lose badly, on civil frauds in New York.

That's clearly the correct result, but do read the able Justice's opinion and order, to see just how politely. . . elegant. . . he has been. . . (saying he knows he has impressed his point upon them, by forcing 24 hour written answers), and in not calling the bar authorities -- on these Tangerine lawyers. Wow.

Enjoy the first weekend of 2023, one and all -- grilling some serious brats here, this evening! Smile. . . .


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