Some days, this blog just writes itself. Today is one of them, per the WSJ Health Blog:
. . . .Ever since Merck announced it was taking over rival Schering-Plough, inquiring minds have wanted to know: What will Schering-Plough CEO Fred Hassan do next?
Perhaps now we have a clue: Hassan is joining us bloggers, at least for some of his time.
In a Huffington Post piece, Hassan weighed in yesterday on the health-care debate, arguing that the discussion has unwisely ignored serious and long-term threats such as Alzheimer’s disease. . . .
The deal for the very-life of his company hangs in the balance. . . and he is off, blogging? Cool. I can FINALLY relate.
Credit for the original work on the fabulous graphic, at right, goes to "The Insider" PharmaGossip.
Overall, though -- sometimes, the truth is far stranger than anything we could make up. . . . This is one of those times, for dead certain (Kudos to The Insider!):
The music in that clip is (given the subject matter, to my ear, at least). . . soul-less, overwrought and sinister. . . perfectly evocative, of the 2015 -- and 2009 -- versions, no? Onward, just the same.

I should note that an anonymous visitor from E.m. Warburg, Pincus & Co.'s backbone was the inspiration for this post.
The visitor searched for -- and viewed -- the original September 2009 item referenced.
Sweet -- and, namaste. . .
That visit is imaged, here (in context). . .
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