Ed Silverman (and Pete Loftus as occasional guest) make a great duo! Couldn't befall a nicer pair! Well done, men! Well played, friends. Do read this link every day. Every day.
. . . .Pharmalot explores the fast-moving, complicated world that develops and markets medicines – and the drug makers that are attempting to replenish their pipelines while grappling with pricing and regulatory dictates, among many other challenges. Writer Ed Silverman has covered the pharmaceutical industry for nearly two decades and has closely followed the many hurdles facing drug companies as they move ideas from the laboratory to the medicine chest. He started Pharmalot while at the Star-Ledger of New Jersey and previously worked at New York Newsday and Investor’s Business Daily. . . .
This will be the go to joint, for pharma's inside scoop -- not always the prettied up, corp-or-at-i-fied spun story -- no, just the full-on truth. Trust me. It always was -- and is, again. Truth -- outs.

On another front:
and another front: http://blogs.wsj.com/pharmalot/2014/06/11/not-a-moment-too-soon-fda-to-issue-rules-for-distributing-off-label-info/tab/comments/
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