Sunday, February 16, 2014

Congrats to Ed Silverman! Joining the "Capitalists' Paper Of Record!" Nice!

This one updates my early January piece, on this topic.

The PharmaGuy is reporting that my buddy Ed has joined (gasp!) the blog-corps of The Wall Street Journal. I'll never bedgrugde anyone their steady paycheck -- afterall, he has a family to take care of. . .

And I know for certain that Ed will be as fiercely independent as he's ever been, regardless of the masthead under which he writes. Here's Pharma Marketing Blog's perspective on it (one I don't necessarily share, despite liking the PharmaGuy):
. . . .Will there be the same slow and subtle change in Silverman's investigative journalistic style to match the drivel that currently is published on the WSJ Health Blog? By which I mean, will we see posts like "Six Tips For Better Napping" rather than the exposés for which Ed was famous?

I hope not.

But one thing seems certain: Pharmalot is definitely dead this time. . . .

All I'll say is that nothing lasts. . . forever. Personally, I think Pharmalot's not really dead -- it's only mostly dead. In fact, it's only been mostly-dead since January 1, 2014 (that means at least nine more months until Ed sees his shadow, again!).'Nuff said.

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