Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Finally! Next Week, There Will Be Oral Argument, In Manhattan, On Tangerine's Stealing Of Eddy Grant's "Electric Avenue" -- In A 2020 Campaign Ad...

We have followed this -- for four long years -- as regular readers well-know. Tangerine stole a police brutality / racial justice anthem belonging to Eddy Grant, about the Brixton (UK) race/police cases of the early 1980s -- and put it in his "Trump train" campaign ad, without permission, and without paying ASCAP or BMI.

[Interestingly, he probably will garner more suits, after using James Brown's "It's A Man's World" at GOP/Milwaukee (without clearances, payments or permission) -- and using several other artists' work, without paying, at his loony, hate-filled convention.]

But in any event, finally next week, we will see him have to answer for this earlier theft, in the federal trial courts in Manhattan. His campaign will not win a dismissal, Condor predicts:

. . .ORDER, The parties are directed to appear for oral argument with respect to the motions for summary judgment on Monday, August 5, 2024, at 4:00 p.m, in Courtroom 14A, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York 10007.


(Oral Argument set for 8/5/2024 at 04:00 PM in Courtroom 14A, 500 Pearl Street, New York, NY 10007 before Judge John G. Koeltl.)

(Signed by Judge John G. Koeltl on 7/26/24). . .

Eddy Grant -- and the James Brown estate. . . absolutely should be able to soak the GOP campaign funds, this cycle and last, for the damage to the artists' reputations -- in being implied endorsers of a felon, and a racist, and a sexually-predatory misogynist candidate.


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