Wednesday, December 21, 2022

[U: Set For 01.25.23 | 2 Hour Depo.] Eddy Grant Getting Closer To Winning A "False Light" Damage Award From Tangerine, For Stealing "Electric Avenue"...

Updated 12.23.2022 -- the deposition is set for January 25, 2023; it is limited to two hours. End, update.

The corporate representative of the Trump campaign for 2020 has been doging service of a subpoena, and avoiding an interview, even though he tweeted about not caring that the music wasn't cleared, and no ASCAP fees were offered for it. The guy's name is Dan Scavino.

And now the able USDC Judge Koetl's patience is at an end, in Manhattan. He has given Tangerine's lawyers until 4 pm tomorrow to submit a date in January to make Scavino available for a dep. Otherwise, Judge Koetl will just order the day, based on his own calendar, in early January. Ought to be entertaining.

. . .On its face, Mr. Scavino’s claim of executive privilege is without merit. Plaintiffs intend to depose Mr. Scavino about his role in authoring tweets promoting the Trump campaign for re-election and in particular the infringing tweet at the center of this litigation.

The tweet was not made for any executive purpose, but instead was entirely campaign related. Importantly, Mr. Trump was deposed in this action and did not object to answering questions about the tweet. . . .

So there you have it. Things are closing in, all over. Out, grinning -- into a warm desert sunset.


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