Thursday, June 27, 2024

Oklahoma Bureaucrat Claims A "Right" -- To Force Public Schools To Teach The Bible & Ten Commandments? WHO Are These... Loons?

Just like the Louisiana nonsense we mentioned at the end of last week, this Oklahoma bureaucrat will soon be dust in the wind.

He doesn't even have the benefit of a purported "state statute" -- to give him cover, saying that it is the (mostly mythical) will of the populace. Nope -- he's just raw-dogging it. Even if it were the will of the people of Oklahoma, "shall make no law". . . is unambiguous. Shall. . . not.

Clearly, the sole goal is to provoke wedge issue litigation. And we will of course oblige, on behalf of all schoolkids and their parents that are either agnostic, or follow some other faith or none, at all. Cue the ACLU. He will lose. Here's this latest nuttery:

. . .Oklahoma’s state superintendent on Thursday directed all public schools to teach the Bible, including the Ten Commandments, in an extraordinary move that blurs the lines between religious instruction and public education.

Mr. Walters, a former history teacher who served in the cabinet of Gov. Kevin Stitt before being elected state superintendent in 2022, has emerged as a lightning rod of conservative politics in Oklahoma and an unapologetic culture warrior in education. He has battled over the teaching of race and gender identity, fought against “woke ideology” in public schools and at times targeted school districts and individual teachers. . . .

Walters, who is a Republican, described the Bible as an “indispensable historical and cultural touchstone” and said it must be taught in certain grade levels. . . .

And, naturally, recent surveys rank Oklahoma 50th (out of 51), in public educational attainment/quality. This is an attempt to force all Americans back into a whyte, X-tian controlled world. One most abandoned in the early 1950s, as not what the founders had in mind. Ryan Walters, do take heed: you will fail -- here, pluralism is our mantra. Out.



Anonymous said...

I need some stimulating news, how about this:

BTW: damn, c'mon need to perform better.

Hope all is well~~~

condor said...

Indeed, me too, Anon.

While I love the idea that Bennu was likely ejected from a watery blue rocky world billions of years ago (surprising presence of larger phosphate flakes!). . . and it tracks with the JAXA mission's findings. . . I wonder if all that tells us is that these are shards of what became Mars, or Earth(?).

On our more general malaise, this morning -- my comments on the NASA press briefing due up next cover it; see below the pull-quote.

I will keep faith that most Americans are smarter than. . . Tangerine. And they know blow-hards like him -- and avoid them.
