Sunday, June 23, 2024

Here, On Your "US Church Sundays": This Is A Civics -- And Geography -- Quiz, Folks... How Did You Do?!

First, the "plain as day" facts -- so no one gets distracted by the red herring of the purported "law" itself. The ACLU has already filed against the yellow state, and will win -- all the way to the Supremes. This will never be good law. It directly contradicts nearly 80 years of well-settled law [including the linked 1980 case out of the state of Kentucky, which is on all fours -- and notably, the Supremes struck it, without a dissent -- even where the posters were privately funded, and the posters contained a "disclaimer" at the bottom].

But I write instead to first note that each of the outlined states is said to be considering a similar measure. What do they have in common?

Obviously, each is below the Mason-Dixon line. But more saliently, each spends very near the bottom (out of 50) on public school educational attainment, and not surprisingly, sees results that are consistently in the bottom ten percent or so. One or two are only in the bottom 20% -- but the correlation is beyond dispute: they don't value real public education, very highly.

So, my central point: why on Earth should any of us get all frothy about the idiotic wedge issue they seek to create? It will be DOA (literally, on arrival!) in the federal courts.

I guess -- as responsible adults in the room -- we need to keep an eye on it, but just imagine how much MORE good the Gov. of Louisiana could do, if he'd commit to real funding, for real state of the art libraries -- and real innovative public education plans?

Just imagine. I will. You should too.

[Rant, off.]


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