Tuesday, March 19, 2024

USDC Chief Judge Alia Moses' New Deadlines In Land Razor Wire Case In Del Rio, Texas

This one is moving at a snail's pace

Here's tonight's text order, in full -- just entered:

. . .It IS ORDERED that the Defendants' unopposed motion to extend the time to respond to the complaintand to enter. a briefing schedule [ECF No. 96] be GRANTED because there is good cause for an extension.

It is FURTHER ORDERED that by April 11, 2024, the Defendants file their motion to dismiss.

It is FURTHER ORDERED that by May 2, 2024, the Plaintiff file its opposition to the Defendants'motion to dismiss.

It is FURTHER ORDERED that by May 16, 2024, the Defendants file their reply to the Plaintiff's opposition to the Defendants' motion to dismiss.

Signed by Chief Judge Alia Moses. . . .

Now you know -- we will keep an eye on it, but the floating razor wire barrier case before Judge Ezra (in the Rio Grande around Shelby Park) may be the next big break here, in favor of humane policies.


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