Monday, March 18, 2024

Trump Has Been Unable To Find A Bond Insurer/Issuer, For The $454 Million He Needs, To Appeal His Fraud Loss In NY State At The Hands Of The Able AG's Office...

So his lawyers report, into the court, by letter this morning. It seems obvious, that if one claims to be worth many billions, one should not expect that the court will "waive" a bond, on a figure one owes to the people of the State of New York, to appeal.

Trump was found liable, at trial for $454 million (and over $500 million, when interest is added). That is money he owes to the State of New York. His own IOU -- as a fraudster -- cannot be adequate. So, it is likely he will not appeal -- since there is no "right" for fraudsters to escape paying their judgment debts, on time. From The Hill's reporting, now:

. . .“Defendants’ ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is ‘a practical impossibility,’” the lawyers wrote, citing an affidavit signed by an insurance broker who testified for Trump during the trial last year.

Trump’s attorneys claim they have spent “countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world” and have approached 30 companies to back the bond, efforts they said they were pursuing before the judgment was made.

“The amount of the judgment, with interest, exceeds $464 million, and very few bonding companies will consider a bond of anything approaching that magnitude,” Trump’s lawyers wrote. . . .

Cry me a river.

If you hadn't defrauded the hard-working taxpayers of New York, you wouldn't be in these straights. Time to sell Mar-a-Lago? I'd hope so, but he probably cannot close the sale, and raise the cash before next week. He may be. . . done. [And the court may accept an IOU, but I'd say that looks a lot like the rich get better treatment at law, even after being found liable for a half-billion in frauds. The vast scale of his frauds should not be rewarded, now that he cries. . . poor.] Grin.


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