Tuesday, March 19, 2024

In The Multi-Billion Dollar Name Spat Between The Two Mercks, A Status Conference Is Pushed Back A Week -- To March 25, 2024.

No reason was cited in the text order, in federal court in New Jersey, so I might guess that the able Magistrate Judge has a flu or something -- as this date had been on his calendar for a few months.

But as we earlier reported, it doesn't matter much if it slips a week, as this is now just the fine-tuning of the calendar deadlines -- to reach the firm trial date. . . next year. [I suppose it is always possible that this is a last minute settlement, and the documents need a week for review, but that seems unlikely.]

. . . .Today's Telephone Status Conference is adjourned to 3/25/2024 at 4:00 p.m. The parties will dial 1-888-XXX-XXXX and access code XXXXXXX# to join the conference. So Ordered by Magistrate Judge Michael A. Hammer on 3/19/2024. . . .

Now you know -- and please forgive the whimsy in the graphic from last week. Onward, smiling. . . .


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